Salus Defense

Unfair. It is a small word for the way women’s reproductive health has historically been treated. It has been handled as taboo and undermined to such an extent that people are actually ignorant of serious issues like endometriosis. Endometriosis is an extremely painful condition, and it is characterised by cells that are normally found in the uterine lining seen growing in other areas of the body. This is rarely in organs such as the lungs, brain and skin, and is most likely to occur in the pelvic region. The complications arise when these cells follow the menstrual cycle the way they usually do. They break down during the course of the menstrual cycle and the product of this process has no way to leave the body. Scar tissue formation and ovarian cysts are just a few of the problems that arise because of this.

Salus Defense
Salus Defense
Salus Defense

1 IN 10 IS

The main problem that endometriosis patients face is severe pain and unfortunately the severity of this pain is far too often underestimated. People, often even doctors, assume women are exaggerating regular menstrual pain and they go undiagnosed for many years.

One in ten women have to deal with endometriosis and its an issue we want to help solve.

Every single endometriosis patient should have the chance to regain their reproductive health and oveecome the extreme physical and psychological stress that comes with it. If you or someone you know is dealing with endometriosis, it’s about time you find the solution to your problems.

Salus Defense

Structured Sliver
And its Benifits

There at Salus, we believe no patient should have to live with their symptoms just because they have been told there is no cure, or because their pain is considered unimportant. Our product does not carry the inconvenience that comes with medicines or an unpleasant diet.

Salus Structured Silver, which has proven to relieve sufferers of a variety of health problems, is available as both a drinkable solution and a gel, and it contains high-quality structured silver known to have extraordinary defensive and healing properties. Endometriosis is just like any other problem – it has a solution. Help us at Salus to make a difference, to make a life better.