And inside this highly controversial presentation… i'm going to show you an easy way to start healing your gut in as little as 6 minutes…

Get Started Now

By destroying the unhealthy bacteria

By destroying the unhealthy bacteria, viruses, and fungi (like candida and yeast) that are inside you right now…

And that have been draining your energy, causing indigestion, disrupting your sleep, and putting your brain in a fog.

If you haven't been feeling like yourself lately…

If your low energy and exhaustion have been making it hard to focus at work…

If you've been finding it difficult to enjoy life's simple pleasures, like spending quality time with loved ones…

Or if you've been struggling with uncontrollable junk food cravings…

And you're SICK of seeing your weight and your blood sugar levels continuing to go UP, UP, UP…

Then I'm extremely confident that the 6-minute gut fix I share will change your life.

That's because once you start using the method I'll be giving you inside this letter…

You'll create an environment where good gut bacteria can thrive…

And you'll do it without having to stop eating the foods you love...

Or starting any new exercise routines…

Which is important…

Because if you're tired and fatigued right now…

I know that regular exercising might be close to impossible.

Even more remarkably…

This Easy Method for Healing Your Gut and Improving Your Health Only Requires Two Simple Ingredients…

Ingredients that are wildly inexpensive and 100% natural…

And that have been used by some groups of people since Biblical times to kill bad bacteria and germs.

One of the ingredients I tell you about won't be that shocking…

But the second ingredient will surprise you a LOT…

Because even though it's currently being used by medical doctors in Africa to beat malaria in as little as 48 hours…

Even though you can find it inside almost every operating room here in the U.S…

And even though NASA brings it onboard every one of its manned space shuttles as a way to protect the crew from germs and infections…

You probably never imagined that this ingredient could be the key to healing your gut and improving digestion…

Or that it could help you with over 100 additional health challenges … from acne to yeast infections.

I Should Also Mention That Neither Of These Ingredients Are Probiotics or Vitamins…

Yet when you combine these two ingredients together in the exact way I'll share during this presentation…

They actually make probiotics and vitamins dramatically more effective in your body…

Because they allow your gut to benefit from these nutrients the way it was designed to…

Instead of what's probably happening right now…

Where sick bacteria and toxins are 'cancelling out' the positive benefits of the supplements you're taking.

Now I'll explain more about why your sick gut is making your probiotics less effective in just a minute…

And of course I'll also share what these two ingredients are with you…

So you can start using them immediately to protect and heal your body in as little as 6 minutes.

But first, let me quickly tell you who I am…

Then show you the medical science behind how these one hundred trillion organisms in your gut are currently making you fat, tired, and sick.

So Like I Mentioned,
My Name is Dr. Eric Wood.

I'm a Licensed Naturopathic Physician who graduated from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine.

I was educated at Harvard University's Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine…

Which is located atMassachusetts General Hospital, one of the top three hospitals in the U.S…

And I'm currently a professor of Alternative Medicine and Nutrition at Everglades University and Hawthorn University respectively.

On top of that, I've published several popular books on Adrenal Fatigue, Fat Loss, and Ketogenic Diets…

I've consulted International Governments along with some of the largest Health Clinics in the world…

And I've been a guest expert on virtually every major TV network you can think of.

Despite all of my medical training though…

And my years of practicing medicine…

The Discovery I Want to Share With You Today Took Me By Complete Surprise.

As I've already hinted at…

This discovery is a brilliantly effective way to heal your gut…

It's supported by hundreds of medical doctors across the world…

There's a large body of research supporting it…

And yet, even though it's incredibly simple and affordable…

The chances are you've never heard of it before.

I know that personally I hadn't…

All I knew was that over the past several years…

The amount of people coming into my practicestruggling with autoimmune issues…fatigue…poor sleep…weight gain…bad skin…highblood sugar…

And other seemingly 'preventable' health challenges…

Kept getting bigger and bigger.

And from my medical training…

Along with my constant reviewing of the latest in health research…

Now I'm going to explain why having an unhealthy gut is responsible for the vast majority of your health challenges…

And I want you to pay close attention…

Because once you understand why your gut is 'sick' right now…

You'll also understand how simple it is to heal it.

Why Your Gut Holds the Key to Sickness (or Health).

At any given moment your body has more than a hundred trillion tiny, invisible organisms living inside of it.

They're called 'microbes'…

And they include bacteria, fungi, and even viruses.

Now while the idea of having trillions of tiny creatures living inside you might sound creepy…

The truth is that they are ESSENTIAL to your health.

You see: most of these microbes live within your digestive tract (also known as your gut)...

And they are responsible for a wide variety of important actions, including:

  • How well your immune system functions…
  • Your body's ability to detoxify itself…
  • The production of neurotransmitters…
  • Your ability to breakdown and absorb vitamins and nutrients…
  • Whether you feel hungry or full…
  • And how your body breaks down carbohydrates and fats (which affects your blood sugar levels and your body weight).

In other words…

The bacteria in your gut acts like a 'control center'…

Something that's responsible for virtually every process that's essential to your health.

At least that's what happens when your gut is healthy…

But when bad bacteria and toxins enter your system and begin to overrun your gut…

It can lead to life-ruining, and even deadly inflammation.

What's Inflammation?

Inflammation can be a normal and healthy response in the body…

For example, if you cut your thumb…

Your body releases immune cells, hormones, and nutrients to fix the problem...

And white blood cells swarm to the cut to digest germs, dead or injured cells, and other foreign materials…

All in an effort to keep you from having an infection.

As a result of all this, your cut thumb will probably turn red, swell, and even experience a burning sensation as it happens…

Or in other words, it will be inflamed.

In a normal and healthy person, inflammation is a short-term response to injury or harm…

But when inflammation doesn't stop…

And instead becomes 'chronic' and ongoing…

It can lead to a whole host of problems.

  • Long-term inflammation can cause osteoarthritis…
  • Autoimmune diseases like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, and Crohn's...
  • And it's been linked directly to heart disease, increased rates of type-2 diabetes, cancer, depression, and even dementia and Alzheimer's!

Now you're probably asking…

What Does Inflammation Have To Do With My Gut?

The answer is a LOT.

Remember, inflammation is trigged by your immune system…

And according to best-selling author and medical doctor David Perlmutter…

Your gut is home to between 70 and 80 percent of your body's immune system.

So when pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi, and toxins assault your gut on a regular basis…

Your gut's immune system responds by releasing inflammatory molecules that are harmful to your health.

The most infamous of these inflammatory molecules are cytokines…

And having high levels of these cytokines have been linked to a higher risk of stroke, heart attack, Alzheimer's disease, cancer, and a whole host of additional health concerns…

Along with more than 100 autoimmune diseases that vary from fibromyalgia to psoriasis!

Here's How Pathogenic Bacteria Take Over Your Gut and Make You Sick…

There are a variety of ways that pathogens can enter your digestive system and cause gut inflammation...

For some of us, it starts at birth…

As research shows that babies who are born via C-section are much more likely to be exposed to bad bacteria during delivery…

And that this bad bacteria can stick with us for the rest of our lives.

For others, the build-up of inflammation-causing pathogens starts happening when we're toddlers…

Then continues year-after-year…

Through continued exposure to toxins in the air we breathe, the antibiotics and medications we take, the food we eat, the beverages we drink, and the surfaces we touch.

It's Actually Shocking How Easily Toxins and Pathogens Can Disrupt Our Gut Health

For example, consider a common toxin in pesticides called glyphosate.
Glyphosate is used on many industrial crops and foods that end up making their way into the supermarket…

And new research is showing that this pesticide, along with numerous other fungicides, plastics, and toxins we're exposed to on a DAILY basis…

Can kill healthy gut bacteria and lead to autoimmune diseases!

Or To Look At Another Example, Consider Antibiotics…

While a short dose of antibiotics can sometimes be necessary to kill an infection…

There is now overwhelming research showing that antibiotics also kill healthy bacteria…

Making you much more at risk of health challenges and even life-threatening disease!

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