Are you haven't been feeling like yourself lately? Have your low energy and exhaustion been making it hard for you to focus at work?

Have you been finding it difficult to enjoy life's simple pleasures, like spending quality time with your loved ones?

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Have you been struggling with uncontrollable junk food craving; and Are you sick of seeing your weight and your blood sugar levels continuing to go UP, UP, UP…

Then weare extremely confident that the following short presentation will change your life.

Harvard-educated Physician
Meet Dr. Eric Wood
Leader in Naturopathic Medicine

Meet Dr. Eric Wood

A Licensed Naturopathic Physician educated at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine and Harvard University's Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine. He is currently a professor of Alternative Medicine and Nutrition at Everglades University and Hawthorn University respectively. He has consulted International Governments along with some of the largest Health Clinics in the world, have been a guest expert on virtually every major TV network you can think of.


Everyday the amount of people coming into his practice struggling with autoimmune issues.

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    Poor Sleep
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    Weight Gain
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    Bad Skin
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    High Blood Sugar and other seemingly “preventable”

Health challenges kept getting bigger and bigger. From his medical training and along with his constant reviewing of the latest in health research, it was clear to him that pretty much all of these issues probably stemmed from a sick gut.


Why Is That?

At any given moment your body has more than a hundred trillion tiny, invisible organisms living inside of it.They are called “microbes”.They include bacteria, fungi, and even viruses. Most of these microbes live within your gut, and they are responsible for virtually every factor in your health, including: How well your immune system work since your gut is home to between 70 and 80 percent of your body's immune system. It is also responsible for your body's ability to detoxify itself; your ability to breakdown and absorb vitamins and nutrients; Whether you feel hungry or full; And how your body breaks down carbohydrates and fats, which affects your blood sugar levels and your body weight.

In other words, the microbes in your gut act like a 'control center’, responsible for virtually every process that's essential to your health.

Over the years, foreign invaders like

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build up inside of you through continued exposure to toxins in the air we breathe, the antibiotics and medications you take, the food we eat, the beverages we drink, and the surfaces you touch. It's Actually Shocking How Easily Toxins and Pathogens Can Disrupt your Gut Health. They change your gut's 'make up' from one with primarily healthy bacteria to one with primarily harmful bacteria, and these harmful bacteria trigger a negative response in your gut's immune system, which leads to chronic inflammation.


Long-term inflammation can cause autoimmune diseases like

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    Rheumatoid Arthritis
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    Inflammatory Bowel Disease

And it's been 2 linked directly to major diseases and conditions, such as heart disease, increased rates of type-2 diabetes, cancer, depression, and even dementia and Alzheimer's!


So, it's pretty obvious what needs to be done is to restore our gut health by eliminating or at least reducing, the Pathogens and 'Bad' Bacteria that are inside our guts.

But how? Dr. Wood realized that even though changing your diet or taking probiotics can be beneficial to your overall health, they are not the ultimate answer for two reasons.

First, what about the unhealthy bacteria and pathogens are ALREADY living inside your gut, improving diet or adding a probiotic won’t necessarily destroy them.

Second, even if you cut out unhealthy foods and increase good gut bacteria, your Body Is Still Going to be ASSAULTED By Toxins and Pathogens on a Daily Basis. These foreign invaders are simply impossible to avoid… They're found in household cleaners, air pollution, drinking water, laundry detergents, beauty salons, you name it. So what we really need is to way to both Destroy the Bad Bacteria, Viruses, and Fungus Already Inside of us Right Now…While Protecting Our Bodies From Future Attacks By These Foreign Invaders Too.


Dr. Wood considered vitamins,

but he realized that because the gut is responsible for absorbing nutrients and vitamins. If your gut is unhealthy right now, taking vitamins may be a waste…So he felt stumped until was introduced to Dr. Bryan Frank, M.D. who found the solution with two simple ingredient, that are 100% natural.

Structured Silver – The Silver Bullet to restore your gut health

Dr. Frank is Medical Director of Full ReGenesis Health:

New Dimensions in Health and Wellness in Edmond, Oklahoma, Where he treats patients with autoimmune conditions,

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    Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
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    Hepatitis C
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    Lyme Disease

and more. He's also authored numerous scholarly articles on integrative medicine and contributed chapters to many of the most prestigious medical textbooks currently in publication.


On top of that Dr. Frank's is an ordained and license pastor. In this capacity, Dr. Frank over the past three decades, has performed medical missions on five different continents, having traveled to over 65 countries.

Dr. Frank has treated entire villages in Africa who were suffering from the pathogenic blood disease Malaria… He's treated psoriasis and leprosy in Nepal. He's healed bladder, ear, eye, and nasal infections in Ecuador. And He's Done All of This Using Nothing But Two Natural Ingredients: A Special Mixture of Water and Microscopic Silver Particles. That's right…silver…Like the precious metal…Also, it’s NOT just any kind of Silver and Water, but a special mixture, called Structured Silver.

The Science behind the Structured Silver

The structured silver is made by bonding pure silver particles to a very pure form of structured water in a unique way.

... The reason this 'bonding' process is important is because it permanently connects the silver particles to the water…Allowing the structured silver molecules to travel through your body, and then be flushed out several hours later when you pee.

This is really important for two reasons. First colloidal silvers and other similar products on the market aren't 'energetically bonded' to water in the way that Structured Silver is, Which means if you use most commercial brands of liquid silver. You could have silver building up in your system over the years, which you definitely don't want. And secondly, Because of the special energetic bonding of Structured Silver, From the moment it enters your mouth…As it travels down your throat, into your bloodstream, through your intestines and gut…And as it's finally expelled through your kidneys and bladder…It destroys virtually all of the bad bacteria, pathogens, viruses, and fungus that it comes into contact with. In other words, it's like 'flushing' all of the harmful and negative bacteria, viruses, and germs out of your body from head-to-toe.

Pretty remarkable, right?

... And of course, you're probably wondering…How Exactly Does Structured Silver Kill Bad Bacteria Inside your Gut? Well here's the answer…Silver particles are 'missing' an electron from their outer ring…And as a result…When silver comes into contact with bacteria, viruses, or yeast.

The silver attempts to steal an electron from the pathogen. Now, because pathogens have simple water soluble cell walls made of single electrons…When silver steals an electron from pathogens, it ruptures the pathogen's cell…Kind of like if you were to 'pop' a water balloon. And this usually kills the pathogen right then and there.

But that's still just the start. In addition to its electric charge…Structured Silver's magnetic energy also holds silver's atoms together in a crystal structure…This magnetic, crystallized structure creates tiny pulses of healthy electromagnetic energy…And when Structured Silver molecules come into contact with germs and bacteria…These tiny healthy pulses of energy fire into the pathogens and prevent their DNA from replicating…Kind of like a tiny magnetic spear.

Pretty amazing right?

... And if you're asking how it is that Structured Silver only kills bad bacteria and germs in your body, and not the good ones... There's actually a pretty simple answer for that too. Healthy cells have a lipid bilayer…Which is a fancy way of saying that they stop water soluble absorption. As a result, Structured silver leaves your healthy cells intact. Additionally, because good bacteria in the gut have a special coating of milk fat around their outer wall… These 'beneficial' bacteria in your gut are also protected, and aren't damaged or punctured.

All of which is to say that Structured Silver is the perfect natural defender of your body… Because it ONLY kills bad bacteria and unhealthy cells, while keeping good bacteria and healthy cells 100% untouched!

Remember, Between 70-80% of your immune system is found in your gut…By fighting the root cause of inflammation and our autoimmune challenges, the Structured Silver Is Probably One of the Most Important Medical 'Discoveries' of Our Time.

When Dr. Wood started giving structured Silver To My Patients, he was amazed by the results. His patients used structured silver for their ear, eye, sinus, and throat infections and were shocked by how quickly they felt better…They also used the structured silver as a topical gel for their acne, nail fungus, psoriasis, and eczema, and were startled by how quickly their skin cleared up…And most importantly, his patients used silver for their inflamed guts, and were thrilled when they saw noticeable improvements to their health.

With all the science and benefits behind it, you are probably wondering where can I find high quality STRUCTURED SILVER, the kind Dr. Frank and Dr. Wood used to treat his patients and has achieved amazing results. Salus Defense Structured Silver is the answer.

What Makes Salus Defense Structured Silver So Special?


Salus Defense Silver is structured in the ideal way… It's bonded to water, and passes through your body without any build up occurring. Additionally, while most other silver products only have 10 parts per million silver at a maximum…Salus Defense Structured Silver has 15 parts per million… Which means you're getting more potent, anti-pathogenic benefits each time you drink it.

On top of that… Salus Defense Structured Silver is alkaline and has a pH balance of above 7.0…While most other silver products are acidic…Meaning they have a pH of less than 7.0. The reason this matters is because your body has a neutral pH of 7.4…

And when acid is introduced into the body, it can create a change in your metabolism, immunity, and circulation… Which is exactly what you DON'T want to happen. Plus, because poisons, toxins, and infectious diseases, and pathogens can't survive in an alkaline body of 7.5 or higher… And If Those Reasons Alone Weren't Enough to Make Salus Defense Structured Silver the Most Superior Silver Product on the Market…You should also know that Salus Defense Structured Silver is manufactured in clean-room conditions that utilize Good Manufacturing Procedures (GMP).

That's important because a lot of other silver products are manufactured in facilities that have contaminates in them and poor quality control. And due to the electromagnetic nature of silver, it can 'suck' those contaminates up…Meaning when you use most store-brands of silver, you could be introducing new contaminates into your body…Which is of course the OPPOSITE if what you want to be doing.

You should also know that Salus Defense Structured Silver does not contain:

BHA or BHT (preservatives that may cause cancer and endocrine disruption) Coal tar dyes… DEA, MEA, and TEA… Dibutyl phthalate… Formaldehydes… Parabens… Parfum PEGs… Petrolatum… Siloxanes… Sodium laureth sulfate and Triclosan.

The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy certifies that Structured Silver is not a heavy metal, because it doesn't build up in your body…it won't 'turn you blue' (which can't be said for heavy use of colloidal silver).

Salus Defense is 100% Safe to use and has NO side effects

That’s why we Truly Believe Every American Can Benefit From Salus Defense Structured Silver…


Because Salus Defense Structured Silver can help with so much more than just your gut health…

People all over the country are using it to clear up acne and nail fungus. As a safe and natural Disinfectant, To reduce the pain and inflammation caused by arthritis… To stop the replication of common viruses that causes the cold and the flu, and so much more.

There are literally hundreds of applications for Defense Structured Silver… A partial list of health challenges Structured Silver can help with. And As A Result, Our Customers End Up Ordering Several Bottles At a Time, so they can remain stocked up on this wonderful and health-protecting liquid, And so that they can give it to their family and friends too!

Now we're thrilled that so many families trust Salus Defense Structured Silver for their health…

You’re probably wondering right now, how you can get Salus Defense Structured Silver as fast as possible.

Because Salus Defense Structured Silver can help with so much more than just your gut health…

The truth is that there are only limited supplies of Salus Defense Structured Silver available, because is made using a very complex process, CRUCIAL for producing the best silver product on the market today… But it's also extremely time consuming and expensive for Salus Defense … Which Means Out-of-Stocks Are Always a Risk, Because Salus Defense can only produce a limited number of bottles at any given time.

Concerning how much Salus Defense Structured Silver you should take?

... Just take two small teaspoons twice a day… For at least 30 days. From the moment you put the first teaspoon of Salus Defense Structured Silver in your mouth… You'll start killing bad germs and bacteria.

As the silver makes its way through your throat, your digestive system, your bloodstream, and ultimately your bladder… It's continuously killing the pathogens it comes into contact with.

But while Salus Defense Structured Silver kills germs and bacteria inside of you from Day 1… because your body is being assaulted by toxins and pathogens on a daily basis…

The more you use it, the more effective it will be… It's best if you look at Salus Defense Structured Silver as a 'daily defense'… Something you make part of your normal, every-day routine… Much in the same way you would a multivitamin or a probiotic. While Structured Silver Starts combating the bad bacteria and Yeast immediately, we recommend that you engage with the product for a minimum 3-month process. Our bodies go through a restorative process every 3 months and using the Structured Silver 2 times per day will work within the body killing the yeast and bad bacteria helping your body through the restorative process.

Salus Defense Structured Silver Also Come With Our Structured Silver Gel That's 25 Parts-PerMillion Silver Start taking Salus Defense Structure Silver as part of your daily healthy life style, It’s time to Change your life and the life of your loved ones forever.


Start My Order

Representations regarding the efficacy and safety of Salus Defense Structured Silver have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA only evaluates foods and drugs, not supplements like these products. These products are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease. Continue reading to view evidence of a test, analysis, research, or study describing the benefits, performance, or efficacy of structured silver based on the expertise of relevant professionals.



Referenced Studies

Adsorption Onto Nano-Structured Silver Surfaces

The orientation of silver molecules where the surface of a metal meets a liquid was explored in the Journal of Ramen Spectroscopy in February 2013. The article, written by J. P. Schulte, S. Grass, and L. Treuel was first published in October, 2012.

With an interest relating to the design of nano-structured metallic surfaces and catalytic processes, the adsorption geometry of molecules was studied. Using Ramen Spectroscopy, observations were made in the context of two pH variations. Through the use of maleic acid and fumaric acid, clear differences were observed.

The full article can be found online at the Wiley Online Library.

Antimicrobial Activity Of Core-Shell Structured Silver-Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles

Researchers led by Jeffrey L. Zink at UCLA have developed a method for encapsulating antimicrobial nanoparticles inside of mesoporous silica particles in service of creating a solid routine for the targeted delivery of nanoparticles, specifically for antimicrobial and bactericidal applications.

Studies involving bactericides have recently been focused on aiding the delivery of this material to specific beneficial sites. The desired outcome opportunities include incorporating antimicrobial materials into bandages for wound treatment and into water purification membranes. The innovation was possible because the mesoporous silica shell protects antimicrobial nanoparticles from aggregation and fast dissolution.

Other advantages include wider compatibility in biological environments, inexpensive, safe synthesis, and the ability to be incorporated into a variety of fabrics and substrates. The process was patented by Zink in 2012 and published by the UCLA Office of Intellectual Property & Industry Sponsored Research.

The original article can be found at UCLA’s Techtransfer.

Plasmon Optics of Structured Silver Films

Originally published in Physical Review B. in 2001, this article details how Excitation and propagation of surface plasmons in silver films structured with narrow straight grooves were visualized with unprecedented detail by way of near-field optical techniques.

Authors Thomas Huser, A. Bouhelier, H. Tamaru, et al., of the Bielefeld University demonstrated reflectivity, transmissivity, and scattering loss of the grooves, showing that their values are determined semiquantitatively, finding that the surface plasmon attenuation is dominated by material and surface/interface imperfections.

The article can be found online at Publications at Bielefeld University.